A creative community nestled in the Finger Lakes
Welcome to Flock
We’re three friends who are creating an inspirational and regenerative space where we can come together to work, play and live life to the fullest.
What we do
We create informative videos, document stories, and amplify voices of our community—for the community. We do this through our YouTube channel and our Productions.
Tour Flock
Starting in spring of 2024, we’ll be doing a limited number of guided group tours to explore the gardens and landscapes at Flock. Keep an eye out on our Experiences for more details or sign up for updates.
In 2025 we aim to pilot our Creative, Ecological and Horticultural+Garden Residency program. This will be an opportunity for fellow creators, ecologists and horticulturalists to pursue their own work or collaborate on a predefined project at Flock in a restful, focused space immersed in nature’s glory.
Our newsletter changes with the seasons
and we’d love to send you our missives.

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”
— Khalil Gibran, The Prophet